Monday, February 10, 2014

Keynote Speaker Presentation


  1. Hi Collis, your topic was well researched and your transitions were smooth. I am going to research the Sims pollution game for my son. Are you planning on attending the ISTE conference? We are planning on making the conference our 4th residency.

  2. Hi Collis. I agree with Brady you seem to have done your research very thoroughly on your subject. What software did you use to make your video. I am always on the lookout for new ideas.

    1. WindowsMovieMaker was used for this presentation.

  3. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

  4. Collis! Great work presenting your keynote speaker! I especially liked your pages of text and and references used to support your dialogue. Also, the background information helped to give your keynote speaker a personality and not just another person headed to a podium. Great work! Enjoyed it!

  5. Collis.. Please note that the comment titled Nyambi Williams is actually coming from Adrian Williams....Thanks and great job!

  6. Collis,
    You did a great job on your video. I really liked the transitions you used. I used MovieMaker and I am new to creating videos so will spend some time in the next few months experimenting with various tools to create videos.
    Your topic was well researched and I am curious as to the applications of gaming in math and science. I believe gamification can have advantages in both these subjects where students are involved in simulations in order to solve real world problems. This allows for students to use content knowledge, critical thinking, and creativity in unison for learning purposes.
